To Finnish Teachers

WSSC-tapahtuman myötä avautuu suomalaisille opettajille mielenkiintoinen mahdollisuus osallistua opettajille suunnattuun ohjelmaan tiistaina 4.6. kansainvälisten kollegoiden seurassa.

Sitova ilmoittautuminen maksuttomaan tapahtumaan viimeistään 22.5. mennessä. Voit osallistua koko päivään tai vain esimerkiksi aamupäivän työpajailuun ja Kiasman näyttelyyn. Monipuolisista työpajoista valitset kaksi mieleisintä saapuessasi aamulla paikalle. Työpajojen työskentelykieli on pääsääntöisesti englanti.

Huomaathan, että Oodin iltapäivän ohjelma on kaikille avoin.

Alustava ohjelma alla. Rekisteröidy tätä kautta.

TRACK 1 Finlandia House (osallistujamäärä rajattu)

Circular Economy Conference/ Sitra

9.00 plenary sessions

11.00 education for circular economy

12.30- networking lunch

14.00 – investment

sustainable everydaylife

circularity in our everydaylife

coffee break

ends 17.30

Walk to Oodi

18.00 -19. 00 Youth´s panel discussion (agenda 2030 youth, WSSC youth)

19:00.-21:00 Food and networking Maijansali, Oodi (or outside optional)

TRACK 2 Pedagogical tools for climate change

Ministry of Education, National Agency for education, City of Helsinki

Place: Kaisaniemen ala-aste, Puutarhakatu 1, Helsinki

Participants: about 80 teachers, including Finnish teachers

9.00-11.50 Workshops

9.00-10.20 Workshop A

10.30-11.50 Workshop B


WWF: Riding the bike towards holistic climate change education

This workshop includes a presentation of the bicycle model: a research-based pedagogical model for holistic climate change education. Climate change is a complex problem, therefore, it is also a complex issue to teach. Climate change education, like a bicycle, is one entity that requires all of its parts to function together. The model can be used as a tool for planning educational entities. In the workshop, we discuss the model and its benefits for curricular planning. In addition, we try some of WWF Finland’s educational materials and activities.

TAT: Circular Economy – how to tackle climate change and scarcity of natural resources

In this workshop You’ll find out what Circular Economy really is, as it is not only recycling but systematic change to our economy and society. You’ll get materials and tips to handle theme in your own teaching.

Finnish Association for Nature Conservation: Climate negotiations - role play for high school classroom aims for Finland’s climate agreement

Circular Classroom

University of Helsinki: Climate University -hankkessa työstetään lukiotasolle suunnattua ilmastonmuutosverkkokurssia. Teachers’ Climate Change Forum.

11.50- 13.00 Sharing of days work , lunch and networking

Transfer to Oodi

13.00-21.00 Oodi and Kiasma

13.00-18.00 “We want future action” / Oodi

Workshops coordinated by TAT, funded by Sitra, organised by Agenda2030 youth


Auditorio: panel discussions

Kitchen: ecological food

Makersspace 2 krs. : possibly building one’s own portable solarpanels

Drawers workshop: creating youth´s ideas and wishes into a visual

Brygga; KYMP: climate change exhibition

Kuutio: circular economy exhibition

Press corner: interviews, YLE climate change news, youtube star

My2050: climate change mobile game around the Töölö Bay area outside

13.30-14.30 Guided tour A: Kiasma exhibition on nature relationship: living together (25 persons)

14.30-15.30 Guided tour B: Kiasma exhibition on nature relationship: living together (25 persons)

18.00 -19. 00 Youth´s panel discussion (agenda 2030 youth, WSSC youth), Oodi

Guests from Finlandia House international conference also?

19.00-21.00 Food and networking Maijansali, Oodi (or outside optional)